Greane Tree Technology Group, LLC

The Secret to Our Success

Authored by on Monday, Jan 14, 2013

new york tech valley

On Wednesday, January 16, 2013, from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM, Greane Tree Technology President Annmarie Lanesey will join Jeff Weiss, CEO of Glennpeter Jewelers Diamond Centre, and Dave Smith, President of LinguaLinx, Inc., on a panel entitled “The Secret To Our Success: Insider Information From Local CEOs.” The three CEOs will share their insights on overcoming obstacles and achieving business success. They will also facilitate an interactive workshop in which attendees can get individualized feedback in small groups. The event will take place at the Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce, Five Computer Drive South, Albany, 12205, and is sponsored by CDPHP. For more information and to register, visit the Chamber’s online calendar.